Special Offer! NEW China business database at 50%

Our China Companies List and Email Database is a powerful tool that helps you with your business needs. The China business database is a compiled List of all China Companies and Businesses around China. Our company database can be used in various ways such as generating sales lead, building a business directory, market research, telemarketing, email marketing,  business analysis, B2B & many more.

China Business-databases

We give you the first ever instant download China Business Directory Database compiled into Excel format. You can now get a hold of our China Company List and Business Email Database that contains the same business data and List of China Companies from Business Directories.

Our goal is to provide quality company & business list with full contact details for our clients. Our China Company Database will also give you access to over 17 Million List of China Companies by Employees size with Company Email List, Phone, Company Fax, Number of Employees, SIC Code and etc. The Company Database can be opened via Microsoft Excel to help you search, sort, print and export the information with ease and convenience.

We can also do fresh data extraction from CEOVPDirectorsCFOCOOManagersIT DirectorsExecutivesPR (Public Relations)HR (Human Resources Managers) and other high profile / decision makers company contact list from any country at a very cost effective rate. 100% verified contact details with valid emails.

Money Back Guarantee – PayPal


China Businesses with Email List compiled in .csv Excel Format

China B2B Database can be used for your Email Marketing campaigns and B2B relationships. It will also help you reach your your desired audience and promote your products and services to thousands of businesses. Don’t waste your time searching for China Companies and Businesses manually, just download our Singapore Business and Email Database and start contacting the businesses of your choosing.China Email Database is perfect for companies and individuals who are looking for verified and high quality Business information. We continue to provide you with cost effective China Company Database to help you with your business needs.

Download China Business Database


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